Management of Occupational Road Risk Policy Statement (MORR)


Policy Statement

SDPC (NW) Ltd is committed to achieving continual improvement in standards of health and safety at work and seeks to reduce the risks to its drivers whilst they are driving to and from their place of work and during the course of their work. SDPC (NW) Ltd is also committed to reducing the number of road accidents and incidents which occur as a consequence of its undertakings.

To achieve this aim, SDPC (NW) Ltd will help to improve road safety by:

Promoting awareness of Occupational Road Risk throughout the company and its Supply Chain.

Proactively managing Road Risk.

Assessing vehicle suppliers, including reviews of their maintenance capability and performance.

Assessing driver’s fitness, conducting in-house HGV driver medicals in accordance with licensing requirements and introducing mandatory eye tests for all drivers of company vehicles every 5 years.

Undertaking driver assessment and familiarisation relative to type of vehicle

Promoting measures to combat fatigue through journey planning, overnight stays, car-sharing, alternative modes of transport and alternative methods of interaction e.g. conference calling

Ensuring compliance with requirements of daily and weekly defect reporting procedures for commercial vehicles

Investigating road traffic accidents in accordance with escalation processes

Carrying out periodic driving license checks on all drivers of company vehicles, recipients of car allowance and occasional users who are reimbursed for mileage

Undertaking annual checks of insurance, vehicle registration and MOT documents of persons receiving a car allowance

Implementing Management Systems for recording vehicle allocation to drivers

Undertaking driver Risk Assessments and implementing a programme of risk reduction based on the results, following road traffic incidences or breaches of legislation

Briefing drivers on policy and manuals for commercial and car drivers during their induction

Reviewing environmental impact during the implementation of this policy

Regularly monitoring and reviewing the MORR policies and procedures

Providing adequate resources to deliver the above

The Directors shall be responsible for review of their business operating requirements against this policy and its implementation within their area of responsibility.

Line Managers shall be responsible for ensuring that the company MORR policy is adhered to within their area of responsibility.

Employees will:

Comply with all MORR policies and procedures

Report concerns and incidents

Cooperate with monitoring

Attend and complete appropriate training and assessments as required

Occupational Road Risk shall be assessed, monitored and reviewed using the following methods:

Driving Licence checks relative to penalty points

All drivers will be given a Drivers Induction upon joining the company and a refresher every three years

All drivers will complete an Occupational Road Risk assessment upon joining the company which will be repeated at 3-year intervals and upon change of circumstance

Results of Risk Assessments will be collated and categorised by risk level with priority training being given to those facing the highest risks

SDPC (NW) Ltd will record mileages, incidents, traffic violations, penalties and associated costs and review training and operational needs accordingly

SDPC (NW) Ltd will provide training relative to the risks faced by its drivers

SDPC (NW) Ltd will communicate changes to Occupational Road Risk to all employees.